This page is to help fellow Briggs & Stratton® engine collectors and restorers.
Briggs & Stratton® Engine Model Production Years.
Briggs & Stratton® Engine Model Identification Information.
Here is a Serial Number list of Briggs & Stratton® engines.
Here is a list of Models by 5 Digit Type Numbers
Here is a list of Models by 6 Digit Type Numbers
Here is a list of PDF Manuals.
Here is a PDF Tune-Up Manual for the Letter Series.
Here is a PDF Repairman’s Handbook by Briggs & Stratton®.
Here is a list of Parts Sources
Here is a list of Horse Power ratings from Briggs & Stratton®.
Here are some Decals for antique Briggs & Stratton® gas engines.
Decal Placement.
According to Briggs & Stratton®, all their engines were painted black from the factory. Here are some painting tips.
Here is some Tune-up information for Letter Series Briggs engines.
Here are drawings of the Magnetos that Briggs & Stratton® used on the old cast iron letter and early numbers series engines.
Timing instructions for FH, FI and PB Briggs & Stratton® engines.
Tips for rebuilding a Briggs & Stratton® antique engine.
FAQ’s for antique Briggs & Stratton® engines.
Briggs Magnet Charging instructions.
© Copyright 2009-2025 By Mike and Jen Murphy